10m Tech Talks #3: DIALANG, OWL…BINGO!

Last Wednesday (12/4) we had the last of our three Ten-Minute Tech Talks for this semester. Russ and I were both expecting that, with the final days of the semester underway and exams just around the corner, we might not see as many participants as we did. So we were pleasantly surprised (again!) to be joined by over 20 people for a lively session.

In the past two follow-up blog posts from these tech talks I’ve tried to either give short summaries of the presentations (10mTT#1), or to raise a key question that came out of the discussion (10mTT#2). This time I’ll just share the resources that were mentioned by others last Wednesday, and end with an open question about next semester’s tech talks.


To change the format of the event a little, we started with a walk-and-talk “tech bingo” game, which was won handily (in record time, no less) by Sybil Alexandrov. You can click on the image to the left to download the file. Why not make a few copies and tech-up the mood with guests at your next holiday gathering?

We then had our first talk by Mary Jo Lubrano (CLS) on DIALANG, a language self-diagnosis system used for 14 European languages. Following this, Cassio de Oliveira (Slavic Languages & Literatures) outlined assessments and activities he’s begun carrying out with OWL testing software. Finally, Russ presented us with a short overview of the topics and tools we’ve heard about in our first three sessions together, brought together in this nifty handout:

Summary_TechTalks_F2013Thinking back over this semester, and looking forward to next, we’d love to hear from you–what tech-related topics would you like to learn about or share from your classes? Please leave a comment here, sign up to give a tech talk on our Google spreadsheet, or send us an old-fashioned email to let us know what you’re thinking. Thank you, everyone–have a great end-of-semester!

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