Several brave souls trudged through the snow and sleet on Wednesday, Feb. 5, for our inaugural 10-minute Tech Talks event. They were rewarded by three inspiring presentations–Anna Iacovella on using Facebook to extend learning in her Italian classes, Dinny Aletheiani with a wonderful video on showcasing video projects in Indonesian, and Theresa Schenker on using Vocaroo and CLEAR’s Rich Internet Applications for tasks with audio recordings in German classes.
There was a lot of discussion around each of these three topics, some of which is reflected in the notes jotted down on this whiteboard. I’m posting it here for reference, in case anyone would like to talk more about these tools or issues in the comments…

Click to enlarge. The left-hand column relates to Dinny’s presentation on having students do video projects in class. The “Vocab/Tools” column header on the right is mostly mis-labeled, since what appears below are a few questions that came up with regard to teachers and students using Facebook in language classes
Thanks again to all of our presenters! The next tech talks are scheduled for February 19, 1-2pm at the CLS. You can sign up to give a presentation on this form. And be sure to check out our Multilingual Commons posts from last semester’s tech talks, all tagged with #10mintechtalks.
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