Category: Faculty Perspectives

Inclusion; the Heart of Language Teaching.

Equality, social justice and inclusion; three essential and powerful values in any community. They are so powerful that the need for them was recently, despite a global pandemic, able to mobilize masses around the world in joint demands for equal…

Teachable Opportunities with COVID-19

Many – if not all – educational institutions in the world are dealing with an unpredictable situation where they need to take various measures to help prevent any chances of the spread of COVID-19. Many have decided to cancel events…

Using Art in Teaching World Languages.

The problem of the twenty-first century is the problem of the image, according to cultural theorist W.J.T. Mitchell (1995). The power of the visual, he states, is greater than ever before, and the “pictorial turn” replaced the “linguistic turn” in…

Proficiency Based Curriculum Design

The Connecticut Council for Language Teachers (CT COLT) ran and organized a two-day summer institute in June 2019. Hostesses Lea Graner Kennedy, Kathleen Archibald and language education expert Greg Duncan led one hundred and some world language educators on a…

Distance Language Teaching Program at Yale CLS

In Fall of 2018 and Spring of 2019 and in eight-three-hour sessions, myself and a group of graduate students, language lectors, and Foreign Language Teaching Assistants completed the Distance Language Teaching Program offered by the Center for Language Study at…

Training online: to do or not to do!

The Center for Language Study at Yale has the crucial role of supporting language teaching faculty in ways that promote pedagogically sound as well as most relevant manners of language teaching/learning here at Yale. And in that effort the center…

2014 Chicago Language Symposium

Attending the 2014 Chicago Language Symposium has been a great opportunity for me especially because it made me realize how much depth there is in teaching languages in current times. In addition to the past approaches and techniques used by…

Poll Everywhere

Has it ever happened to anyone to receive some information and think: “I could use that!”? Well, that has happened to me. I was introduced by a group of colleagues to I was part of an exercise where the…

Gradebook=Peace of Mind

At the January 16th CLS workshop, Gloria Hardman, with the assistance of Alina Nevins, explained how to use the online ClassesV2 Gradebook.  Judging from the multiple and audible “Ah-hah!” moments, many found the information useful. During my teaching career I…