Program: 2009 NEALLT/NERALLT Conference

Keynote Address by Richard Kern, University of California, Berkeley
“Neither Here Nor There: What Happens to Space, Time, and Culture in CMC Videoconferencing Exchanges”
This talk explores how space, time, and culture get represented and negotiated in computer-mediated videoconferences between teacher trainees of French as a foreign language at the University of Lyon 2 and intermediate level French students at UC Berkeley. How adequately does the audio-visual interface render the “real” spatial/temporal settings in which participants are communicating? How does the interface affect representations of the spatial and temporal dimensions of each participant’s local world? How well do participants’ envisionments of their interlocutors’ spatial/temporal settings match the “real” settings, and what consequences come of mismatches? To what extent are participants aware of the role of the technological medium itself in forming its own context of setting? Conclusions will highlight the important role that interfaces play in the dynamics of collaborative multimedia teaching. (

Multimedia Showcase

Claire Bradin Siskin, Consultant – Language Learning Applications for Smartphones, or Small Can Be Beautiful
There are now hundreds of applications for smartphones which can be utilized for language learning. The presenter will give an overview of “apps” and will describe specific examples of each type. A web page with links to all the resources mentioned in the session will be provided.

Anna Iacovella, Yale University – Websites becoming useful tools in the language classroom
I will present an instructional technology based project which relates to student’s everyday activities and interests in order to enhance the four language skills. The technology based activities (using, RAI website, etc) have as their aim to enlarge and expand comprehension and structural elements of the language and the holistic comprehension and learning of cultural and idiomatic expressions as well. (

Helen McFie-Simone, University of Pennsylvania – Using Blackboard for Distance Coordinating of Multiple Language Sections at the Elementary Level.
The coordination of multiple sections of elementary Italian at the University of Pennsylvania has been rendered more efficient and consistency in teaching between sections greatly facilitated with the use of the on-line course management system Blackboard, for administrative tasks, student learning activities, as well as for delivering supplementary multi-media material.

Chantal Philippon-Daniel, Beatriz Saigal, Geraldine Lebaudy University of Pennsylvania – Blackboard: Enhancing The L2 Experience For The Online Multimedia Generation
Chantal Philippon-Daniel “France 2 news and CMC: Threaded Discussions, Wikis” This presentation demonstrates my current practice using Blackboard course management tools and authentic audiovisual materials. I use French news video segments as the basis for developing language skills and cultural understanding through in-class discussions. Threaded discussions and wikis provide additional tools for promoting out-of-class student interaction and collaboration. Geraldine Lebaudy. In “Authentic Videos and Wikis in Business Spanish,” I will focus on using authentic video content as the basis for business case studies. Through these lessons students see the practical applications of business concepts and explore cultural differences, while the wikis give them the opportunity to create definitions. Beatriz Saigal. In “Imaginative, Playful Error Correction in Spanish” I will present my module which uses PowerPoint, Wimba and Test Management Tools.
PowerPoint presents the error and a fun activity to self-correct. Students use Wimba to hear incorrect usages and to record their corrected version. Finally, Test Management Tools provide students with a variety of supportive practice.

Thomas Plagwitz, Loyola College – Time-stretched Audio and Personalized Provision in Instructor-led Digital Audio Labs
How instructor-led utilization of – based on MS-Windows Media Encoder’s time-stretching and pause detection capabilities – simplified and/or automated time-stretching of authentic audio materials with more teacher-control and a more realistic output than that built into current media players can provide more comprehensible input of level “i+1” in a more personalized language learning provision.  (!4FA3329905D7E1CE!1061.entry?&_c02_vws=1)

Jennifer Rafferty, Quinnipiac University – Preparing Students for Online Success: An Interdepartmental Collaboration at Quinnipiac University
In an effort to address the learning needs of our online population, two departments have collaborated to develop a website where faculty and students can access study skill videos. QU Online is actively working with faculty to integrate these videos into online course curricula so that students are better prepared for the demands of studying in an online setting.

Kellie Campbell, Saint Michael’s College – MyLanguageLabs – Online learning and assessment
Saint Michael’s first year Spanish and French students are using an online program called MyLanguageLab. The interactive online lab contains homework, tests, flashcards and much more. Stop by and see the program and pick up a checklist that I have created based on my experiences in implementing this online tool! (;


Blended learning environments

Grace Wu, Wei Zhang and Ed Dixon, University of Pennsylvania –Challenges of and New Direction for Language Teaching through Distance Learning
The panel will discuss the role of teaching tools such as Elluminate in the design and delivery of a distance learning courses. The presenters will also describe the use of Elluminate in an on-going case study involving learners of Beginning and Intermediate Business Chinese.

Louise Stoehr, Stephen F. Austin State University – Replacing the Textbook with the Internet in the German Classroom Hosted on our department webserver, the “Texas Method Online” constitutes the backbone of our German language program. Discussion will focus on design and content considerations; potential for more widespread implementation of electronic delivery; promise of faculty control over quality, content, and sequencing in language courses; and future collaborative prospects.



Eduardo Lage-Otero, Trinity College – Mapping stories as a road to culture learning
Online mapping tools such as Google Maps and Google Earth can be easily integrated (“mashed-up”) into online learning environments to help learners explore and analyze a particular culture. In this presentation I will outline the development of a first-year seminar on Hispanic travel texts that relied on these tools to help students visualize the complexities present in these narratives and through them gain a better understanding of the Hispanic world.

Grit Matthias, Cornell University – Our Generation – An Intercultural Project with American and German Students Using Computer Mediated Communication
This presentation will introduce an intercultural project between American learners of German and German learners of English using synchronous computer-mediated communication. The project was included in the course syllabus and centered around discussion of cultural concepts. Examples of students’ work will be presented, and positive experiences as well as obstacles

Distance presentation from England

Mirjam Hauck, The Open University UK – Task design for multi-literacy training in distance language learning and teaching


Faculty training

Ed Dixon, University of Pennsylvania – A Goal of Teacher Training: Engaging Students with Authentic Texts through online Learning
The presenter will suggest ways to help instructors understand the use of technology as a tool for online reading, collaboration and materials development with text, audio and video in a course management environment. Suggestions will be made for developing lesson modules for blended and distance learning.

Deanne Cobb-Zygadlo, Kutztown University – Coping with the Gen Y and Z Technology Metamorphosis
To assist faculty in learning how to use Web 2.0 technology, the Kutztown University LRC is expanding their faculty training and introducing online video screencasts. This presentation will showcase the video screencasts and other online training materials already developed and will discuss future development. Training materials will be available over the Internet as they are completed.


Video-based interactions

Justin Rudelson, Anthony Helm, Otmar Foelsche, Dartmouth College – (VIBE) Video Interaction-Based Education at Dartmouth College
This fall, Dartmouth College is implementing a pilot project of language exchange and teaching with Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. The project employs webcams and Apple’s iChat software to connect native Chinese speakers with Chinese language learners, in exchange for research writing instruction through Dartmouth’s Center for Research, Writing and Information Technology (RWIT).

Lance Askildson, University of Notre Dame – Videoconferencing Formats for Substantive Language Acquisition & Cultural Exchange
Two student-driven approaches to videoconferencing for language learning are presented: 1) A live ‘internet window’ providing a streaming video link; and 2) direct solicitation of international users of Skype for unstructured language exchanges. Student feedback and observational data will provided alongside a review of the efficacy of both approaches.


Second Life

Dongdong Chen, Melissa McDowell, Heidi Trotta, Wendy Sue Williams, Seton Hall University – Engaging the Learning of Chinese Language and Culture in Second Life
This presentation examines how Second Life can be incorporated in the teaching of Chinese. Using the resources of Chinese School, built by the Confucius Institute at Michigan State University, students of Beginning Chinese explore the language and culture individually or collectively through 8 learning tasks for the fall semester.


Fulvia Serra & Ed Dixon, University of Pennsylvania – Williams Hall in 2nd Life: The Tower of Babble
Presenters will demonstrate the 2nd Life project at Penn, designed to provide students with online collaborative spaces for extra language practice outside the classroom. Secondly, they will show ways which Italian has used a non-didactical tool for didactical purposes to promote communicative competency and develop a second language identity.



Howard Barnaby, Yale University – Copyright Issues for the Language Instructor
Copyright Issues Facing Language Instructors – obtaining copyright protection for original works; using copyrighted works of others in multimedia instructional materials; when to seek copyright assignments, permissions and releases; navigating the fair use defense; debunking eight myths about copyright protection. (


Course design

Kathleen Kimber, Genesee Community College – Not Another Survey: The Challenges of Course Design and Eliciting Feedback from Students in a Hybrid Format
During the fall semester of 2008 the presenter introduced two 8-week hybrid Spanish language courses. This presentation will address the challenges of student placement, course design, and the overhaul of the courses mid-way through the semester based on student feedback elicited through hands-on input. (


Teaching and Learning communities

Carole Bergin, Kevin Guiney, Harvard University – Video Blog: a teaching community through and among students in the same classroom
Besides an excellent communication practice and spontaneous oral production, video blogs create a student-centered classroom outside the classroom, where students learn from each other. The blogs can be used for different types of activities and assignments, at different levels. Being viewed by others also stimulates students to produce better quality work.

Barbara Spinelli, Roberto Dolci, Columbia University-Università per Stranieri di Perugia – The cultural development of virtual communities
In this presentation we will describe communication strategies and groups dynamics of small language learning communities. Collected data will be analyzed by using Fine’s model KUFAT (1979) in order to define the “idioculture” of each micro-community as the product of group members’ dialectic interactions and combinations of different cultural elements. (


Social Networking

Nicole Mills, University of Pennsylvania – Facebook and the use of social networking tools to enhance language learner motivation and engagement
Through connections and interactions with virtual community members and the instantaneous exchange of personal and cultural information, Facebook is transforming how we communicate. This presentation will present a Facebook project in an intermediate French course and how its implementation enhanced the Standards of Foreign Language Learning and the course’s grammatical, functional, and linguistic objectives.

Michael Farina, Yale University – The Social Class(room): Using Social Computer Mediated Communication in Foreign Language Learning
The presenter will explore several Social Computer Mediated Communication tools used in foreign language instruction to extend the language learning environment beyond the classroom. The social capital created by SCMC tools can be used to foster language learners who communicate and interact in the L2, well beyond our traditional classroom boundaries.

Luba Iskold, Muhlenberg College – Augmenting Student Social and Communicative Behavior via Experimentation with L2 Identities and Self-Authorship on Facebook.
This presentation will (1) summarize research related to SNSs and SLA; (2) examine perspectives on “performing identities;” (3) provide examples of student experimentation with new identities on Facebook in Russian language and literature undergraduate courses, and (4) discuss the pros and cons of student participation in virtual communication to augment face-to-face L2 learning experiences.

Discussion Panel: Challenges, Pitfalls and possibilities in distance Learning
Richard Feldman, Cornell University
Michael Jones, Swarthmore College
Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger, Lafayette College
John Graves, Yale University
Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl, Yale University

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