AAS/ATJ 2010 Annual Conference
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Philadelphia PA
March 25~27, 2010
Yoshiko Maruyama
Senior Lector
Japanese Program, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
Among the presentations, I will report on one tool, Dokkai Assistant, which should be useful for Japanese classes. The rest of the presentations attended are listed below and more detailed information is available upon request if anyone is interested.
DOKKAI ASSISTANT – a tool for creating advanced-level reading material (dokkai.mit.edu/index.cgi)
This new tool presented by Yoshimi Nagaya of MIT is very helpful for Japanese teachers for creating reading materials and can be of immediate use for our advanced (even intermediate) level students. With this tool, an instructor can:
- edit or correct existing online dictionaries
- search, add and modify the database of example sentences
- upload teaching materials created by this tool to a class homepage
The materials prepared by this tool have the following features for students:
- automatic lookup online dictionary
- search for example sentences
- create their own vocabulary lists
Advantages of using this web-based material will include:
- lessen the disadvantage of those students whose first language is non-kanji
- introduce more reading in curriculum
- introduce and challenge students early on with authentic material
March 25 (Thursday)
Japanese heritage language development: The role of family support in forming ethnic identity, developing Japanese proficiency and enhancing motivation to learn the language
Kiyomi Chinen, California State University, Long Beach/Japanese as a Heritage Language
Using Tanka, a form of contemporary Japanese poetry, to learn how to use library resources and English Kanji dictionaries: Collaborative work of library specialist and language instructor to introduce students to information literacy aspects of learning Japanese toward intermediate levels
Atsuko Takahashi, Smith College, and Sharon Domier, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Foreign language education and creativity: Recent theories and classroom practices
Yuri Kumagai, Smith College
Digital storytelling in Japanese language education and creativity
Keiko Konoeda, Smith College
Social issue projects and “creativity”
Shinji Sato, Columbia University, and Noriko Hanabusa, University of Notre Dame
Community involvement project in a study abroad program and creativity
Miyuki Fukai, Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies, and Mari Noda, Ohio State University
The relationship between kanji ability and other Japanese language skills
Chieko Kano and Takako Sakai, University of Tsukuba
Dokkai Assistant: A new tool for learning and teaching advanced reading materials
Yoshimi Nagaya, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A homework self-correction system promoting autonomous learning
Masako Tamahnaha, Makino Osaka, and Maki Irie, University of Southern California
Study of onomatopoeia in Japanese national language textbooks for the lower grades
Shigeru Osuka, Seton Hall University
The uses of linguistics in the cross-related fields of culture and cognitive science: Focusing on onomatopoeis
Yoshitomo Yamashita, Seton Hall University
Introducing onomatopoeis to beginning Japanese learners through a group project
Naoko Kurosawa, Duke University (presented by Mamoru Hatakeyama, Columbia University)
March 26 (Friday)
Workshop: A Revised Edition of Genki, an elementary Japanese textbook
Remembering Eleanor Jorden: Voices from Japanese language and Japanese studies
Language and Culture SIG
Five culture-related presentations
March 27, Saturday
Islam, Culture, and Politics in Southeast Asia