CLS Pedagogy Workshop for Foreign Language Teaching Fellows and Instructors


Tuesday, August 24

8:30-9:00 Continental Breakfast CLS Library
9:00-9:15 Welcome & Overview of workshop CLS, Room 100
9:15-10:00 Language Lesson Demo followed by discussion

Sandra Sanneh, Senior Lector II, African Languages

Vincent Cangiano, Coordinator, Fields Program, CLS

CLS, Room 100
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-12:00 Workshop: Communicative Language Teaching Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl, Director, CLS CLS, Room 100
12:00-1:00 Lunch break

Demo: Intro to Classes V2

John Graves, Faculty Liaison, CLS CLS, Room 100
Reading resources and handouts are posted on the Classes*V2 site

Task for Wednesday: Prepare a communicative activity (bring 5 copies to share with your group)

Wednesday, August 25

8:30-9:00 Continental Breakfast CLS Library
9:00-10:00 Workshop: Lesson Planning Seungja Choi, Director of Language Instruction, East Asian Languages and Literatures CLS, Room 100
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-11:00 Group break-out session: Sharing a communicative activity Facilitated by CLS staff Break-out rooms
11:00-12:00 Assessment: Overview of ACTFL Guidelines and Standards Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl CLS, Room 100
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break

Workshop: Managing Classroom Diversity

Ruth Koizim, Senior Lector, French Department CLS, Room 100
Reading resources and handouts are posted on the Classes*V2 site

Task for Thursday: Prepare a lesson plan outline for a beginning-level lesson (bring 5 copies to share with your group)

Thursday, August 26

8:30-9:00 Continental Breakfast CLS Library
9:00-10:00 Journal writing Ayala Dvoretzky, Senior Lector II, NELC CLS, Room 100
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-11:15 Group break-out session: Sharing lesson plan outlines Facilitated by CLS staff Break-out rooms
11:15-12:00 Workshop: The 2007 MLA-Report: Bridging the Language-Literature Divide Marion Gehlker, Senior Lector II, German Department CLS, Room 100
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break

Demo: iFlash for vocabulary learning

Shady Nasser, Lector, Arabic CLS, Room 100
Reading resources and handouts are posted on the Classes*V2 site

Task for Friday: Prepare a 10-minute beginning-level lesson to teach tomorrow

Friday, August 27

8:30-9:00 Continental Breakfast CLS Library
9:00-10:00 Topic TBD Seema Khurana, South Asian Studies CLS, Room 100
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-10:30 Guidelines for feedback on micro-teaching Vincent Cangiano, Fields Program Coordinator, CLS CLS, Room 100
10:30-12:00 Break-out session: Microteaching demonstrations and critiques Peer feedback Break-out rooms
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break & workshop wrap-up CLS Library
Reading resources and handouts are posted on the Classes*V2 site and will be available beyond the workshop

*Please sign up for the continuation workshop “Fundamentals in Teaching Language”

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