To listen click here: It was the first wedding anniversary and queen Jasmin wanted to prepare an extra special surprise for now king Alaa Deen. They had been married for a year and he had been ruling for a…
Author: Sarab
Connecting Through Heritage Languages: “Heritage Meets Heritage” Fosters Deeper Appreciation
Dear Educator: Are you taking care of yourself? No! Really! Are you?
On ACTFL First Virtual Convention; Highlighting Success.
Enjoy a perfect Zoom class session every time!
Inclusion; the Heart of Language Teaching.
Equality, social justice and inclusion; three essential and powerful values in any community. They are so powerful that the need for them was recently, despite a global pandemic, able to mobilize masses around the world in joint demands for equal…
Considerations For Remote Teaching
Resources for Online Teaching
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Reflecting on Distant Teaching
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Teachable Opportunities with COVID-19
Using Art in Teaching World Languages.
Teacher leadership; opening new horizons for better instruction.
2019 Consortium Workshop; Project Based Language Teaching and Learning
According to Rachel Mamiya Hernandez “Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) uses meaningful inquiry to engage students with language, communities, and content. This project aimed to connect learners from different parts of the world in building both traditional and digital literacy skills.”…
Yale Hosts NERALLT Conference
Proficiency Based Curriculum Design
The Connecticut Council for Language Teachers (CT COLT) ran and organized a two-day summer institute in June 2019. Hostesses Lea Graner Kennedy, Kathleen Archibald and language education expert Greg Duncan led one hundred and some world language educators on a…
Distance Language Teaching Program at Yale CLS
Looking Back at 2018; Growing and Learning.
When asking Google what a word cloud is, this definition appeared: A word could is an image composed of words used in a particular text or subject, in which the size of each word indicates its frequency or importance. I…
Back in the Groove; day one after the break.
CLS Fellowship Fall 2017. Three Projects; Three opportunities to learn.
I applied for the CLS Fellowship in Fall of 2016 with hopes of getting a one course release and using the time to focus on my project. With complete focus on using online resources to enhance the teaching of Levantine…
Students reflect on visit to the Beinecke Library
Training online: to do or not to do!
The Center for Language Study at Yale has the crucial role of supporting language teaching faculty in ways that promote pedagogically sound as well as most relevant manners of language teaching/learning here at Yale. And in that effort the center…
Arabic Script Calligraphy Workshop
Calligrapher Elinor Holand accepted my invitation to give a workshop on Arabic script calligraphy. We, our summer students of Beginner Arabic I as well as our guests from the Yale community learned a lot, experienced a lot and of course appreciated the…
Four days of intensive training averaging about eight hours a day, took me and a dedicated group of eleven other members of language faculty here at Yale on a journey to explore the wonders of the world of the…
When left to their own devices, students dig culture.
As part of their final Oral Project, I asked my Students of Beginner Arabic II to create a video guided by an arm’s length list of criteria (linguistic and nonlinguistic). Incorporating a cultural element was one of the items on that list…
“So when y’all meet, what do you speak?”
“So when y’all meet, what do you speak?” As a faculty who teaches Arabic, I always hear this question from my students in their attempt to shed light on the mysteries of the many dialects of Arabic (Arabic has a Standard…
MESA 2014/ Washington DC
The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) brings together scholars, educators and all those who are interested in studies (language, literature, culture, politics, etc.) related to that area of the world from all over the world. It holds a yearly meeting in the…