It’s hard to believe spring is right around the corner with the cold weather we’ve been having in New Haven and across the East Coast. Yet, a steady stream of announcements about professional development opportunities for language educators during summer…
North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics
Thanks to the generous support of the Center for Language Study, I was able to attend the annual meeting of the North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics (NACAL 42), Leiden, the Netherlands, February 14-16, 2014. The North American Conference on…
International Mother Language Day 2/21
As a number of language faculty and CLS staff prepare to participate in the upcoming Conference on Heritage/Community Languages at UCLA–which focuses primarily on the situation of language learners in the United States–another day of significance for heritage and community language…
Adobe offers free online course to jump-start creativity in the classroom
Adobe is offering a free six week course “Creativity in Today’s Classroom” to explore how you can use the Creative Cloud suite to bring creativity into the classroom and engage your students. Class starts on March 2nd and runs through…
The classroom sublime—In search of “the magic beyond the MOOCs”
Feb. 5 Tech Talks: A few keywords & issues to run with
Several brave souls trudged through the snow and sleet on Wednesday, Feb. 5, for our inaugural 10-minute Tech Talks event. They were rewarded by three inspiring presentations–Anna Iacovella on using Facebook to extend learning in her Italian classes, Dinny Aletheiani…